Sunday, January 31, 2016

Interesting facet of Benedictine Spirtuality

Key part

Benedictine Oblates ... must submit their "Bona Opera" proposals to the abbot. This is according to Chapter 49 of the Rule of St. Benedict.
Everyone should, however, make known to the abbot what he intends to do, since it ought to be done with his prayer and approval. Whatever is undertaken without the permission of the spiritual father, will be reckoned as presumption and vainglory, not deserving of reward. Therefore everything must be done with abbot's approval.
The reason St. Benedict required monks to receive approval for anything not required by the Rule is that he had no doubt seen how some monks would not wisely limit extra devotions or penance. Worse, what is supposed to be an offering to God can instead become an occasion for pride. The devil is subtle. There are many monitory tales of such deception.

I have frequently heard of people making known their lenten penances.  I have done it myself often, as a way to holding myself accountable.  If no one knows what I'm giving up, then no one knows if I'm cheating.  It did occur to me that publicizing what I'm giving up could be a form of prideful boasting, but it never occurred to me that one would get permission for his penance.

It just goes to show the totality of life in a monastic community, even for the third-order members.

(note, Corbinian's Bear is a strictly anonymous blog. The author identifies himself as The Bear in honor of St Corbinian's bear and identifies himself as a retired lawyer but other than that strictly refers to himself is ursine terms to preserve his anonymity.  It's part of his schtick)

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating...I also was not aware of this part of the Benedictine Rule. Maybe I should read more. :)
